How understanding my strengths changed my life with Scott Arrieta, CEO @ Unity & Co.

Episode Summary

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Discovering Our Strengths: Changing Perspectives at Work and in Life


Welcome to Workplace Therapy, a weekly podcast where we delve into the dynamics of teamwork and personal growth. In this two-part series, we explore how discovering our strengths can profoundly impact our outlook on life and work. Last week, Skyler shared her strengths profile, and today, it's Scott's turn to step into the spotlight. Join us as we uncover Scott's top five strengths and how they have influenced his journey.

Scott's Top Five Strengths

1. Strategic

Scott's first strength is strategic thinking. He excels at sorting through complex issues and identifying the best path forward. His ability to envision various scenarios and evaluate potential outcomes makes him a skilled decision-maker. The key attribute of this strength for Scott is his talent for \"gaming out the what-if scenarios,\" allowing him to chart well-informed strategies.

2. Individualization

Scott's second strength is individualization, which has been a transformative revelation for him. Growing up with a strong emphasis on academic achievement, Scott felt the pressure to excel in all areas. However, through StrengthsFinder, he realized the value of focusing on his unique strengths instead of trying to be well-rounded. This newfound perspective liberated him from the need to mitigate weaknesses constantly. Now, he seeks to understand and celebrate the individual strengths of others, fostering an environment of appreciation and mutual support.

3. Achiever

The achiever strength in Scott is evident through his relentless pursuit of tangible accomplishments. He finds fulfillment in setting and surpassing goals, always striving for excellence. However, this strength also brings challenges, as Scott must strike a balance between achievement and self-care. His achiever nature sometimes leads to neglecting personal well-being, making it an area he actively works on with his therapist.

4. Maximizer

Scott's maximizer strength complements his achiever nature. He is driven to maximize his potential and encourages his teams to achieve greatness. This strength fuels his desire to attain high standards and push for excellence. However, Scott also understands the importance of finding the right balance between aiming for perfection and practicality. Successful teams under Scott's leadership embrace this tension, delivering outstanding results while respecting practical constraints.

5. Flex Strengths

Scott's final two strengths are \"flex strengths,\" which vary based on the challenges he faces. These strengths rotate in and out of his top five, depending on the circumstances. While they might not always be in his top five, they consistently remain in his top ten strengths. This adaptability allows Scott to acquire new skills when necessary, giving him a competitive edge in diverse situations.

The Power of Knowing Your Strengths

Discovering one's strengths can be a transformative journey, liberating individuals from the pressure of being proficient at everything. Rather than striving to possess all the right answers, it is about recognizing and honing the abilities that come naturally. This newfound clarity offers a sense of relief, allowing individuals to focus on what truly matters and excel in their unique areas of expertise.

The Journey of a Maximizing Mentor

For this individual, their top strengths include \"Maximizer\" and \"Relator.\" The realization of these strengths empowered them to pay it forward by becoming a mentor to others, guiding and cultivating their natural abilities. Through this mentorship, they aim to help others navigate their careers with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Depth of a Relator

\"Relator\" is another core strength of this individual. Rather than forming numerous superficial relationships, they prefer to create fewer, deeper, and more intimate connections. Though this trait can expose them to vulnerability, they cherish these meaningful relationships and would not have it any other way.

The Evolution of Understanding Strengths

Upon first receiving their StrengthsFinder results, some strengths were immediately recognizable, while others took time to process and embrace fully. For instance, the strength \"Strategic\" initially seemed non-specific and even daunting due to misaligned feedback in early career experiences. However, as they gained more experience and a broader vantage point, their strategic mindset flourished, guiding them in making informed decisions and anticipating future challenges.

Impact on Work Life

The understanding of strengths significantly impacted how this individual approaches work. They no longer viewed people as replaceable cogs in a machine but rather appreciated the unique contributions each person brings. Recognizing and nurturing the natural abilities of team members leads to increased engagement, innovation, and overall success.

Impact on Personal Life

The impact of embracing strengths transcends professional life and spills into personal relationships. By acknowledging and valuing the differences in strengths and perspectives, conflicts are approached with greater empathy and understanding. In marriage and parenthood, this individual learned to reframe their expectations with grace and generosity, celebrating the unique gifts each family member brings to the table.


The journey of discovering and embracing strengths is a liberating and empowering experience. It allows individuals to find their true calling, embrace vulnerability, and build meaningful connections with others. By understanding and celebrating our strengths, we can unlock our true potential and create a more fulfilled and productive life both at work and beyond. So, let us embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery, harnessing the strengths that make us extraordinary individuals.

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