How discovering my strengths changed my perspective on work and life with Skylar Lewandowski, Director of Special Programs @ Unity & Co.

Episode Summary

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The Power of Clifton Strengths: Understanding and Embracing Your Unique Abilities


Welcome to Workplace Therapy, a weekly podcast that delves into the intricacies of how we work together and grow together. In this episode, we embark on a two-part series exploring the strength-based approach to leadership and personal development. We will be focusing on the Clifton Strengths assessment, an online tool developed by Gallup, which provides valuable insights into our natural strengths, empowering us to make the most of our unique abilities.

Unveiling Clifton Strengths: Skyler's Journey

In this episode, our co-host Skyler shares her top five Clifton Strengths and how they have influenced her both professionally and personally. Let's take a look at her strengths and how they manifest in her life:

1. **Learner**: Skyler loves the process of continuous learning and improving herself. She is naturally inclined to seek new knowledge and insights.

2. **Input**: This strength complements her love for learning by encouraging her to collect and archive information for future use. It fuels her quest for knowledge.

3. **Individualization**: Skyler excels at recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities of individuals. She seeks to understand people's challenges, hopes, and fears on a deeper level.

4. **Intellection**: Deeply reflective and contemplative, Skyler enjoys engaging in discussions about ideas, theories, and philosophies.

5. **Context**: With a passion for history, Skyler enjoys exploring the past to gain insights into the present and the future.

Embracing Clifton Strengths

When Skyler received her Clifton Strengths results, she resonated with most of the insights, particularly those that highlighted her love for learning and her penchant for solitary reflection. However, she also found some aspects challenging to accept, such as the suggestion that she might intentionally use complicated words to influence others. Despite initial doubts, she reflected on these findings and recognized that it might indeed align with her desire to understand and help others lead better lives.

The Unwavering Core: The Learner Strength

Throughout her journey, Skyler found that her strength as a Learner remained steadfast and unchanged. It fueled her decision to pursue higher education and continuously seek growth opportunities in her career. Her passion for learning ensures that she thrives in roles where she can acquire new knowledge and constantly challenge herself.

Combining Strategy and Execution

Skyler's strengths profile revealed a combination of strategic and relationship-building strengths. While her strategic mindset allowed her to analyze complex situations and develop innovative solutions, she occasionally struggled with the execution aspect of her ideas. Skyler recognized that she tended to launch projects quickly without fully executing them, leading her to seek therapy to explore this challenge further.

From Past Reflections to Future Visions

As time passed, Skyler's strengths remained integral to her identity. Her thoughtful reflection on how her strengths manifested in her work and personal life revealed patterns that she could leverage. As she progressed in her career, Skyler's visionary abilities became evident, and she found fulfillment in strategic roles.

The Visionary CEO

Today, Skyler has embraced her role as a CEO and founder of her consulting firm. Her strengths as a Visionary CEO shine as she gathers insights, analyzes data, and envisions impactful projects for her company's growth. She recognizes the importance of building a team that complements her strengths, enabling her to focus on strategic aspects while relying on others for execution.

Embracing Strengths: A Journey to Self-Discovery and Empowerment


In this article, we delve into a captivating discussion about the power of embracing one's strengths and the transformative impact it can have on personal and professional growth. The conversation centers around the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment, a tool designed to identify individuals' unique strengths and talents. Our guest, Skyler, candidly shares her experience with the assessment and how it has influenced her perception of herself, relationships, and career. We explore the benefits and limitations of the strengths-based approach, highlighting its ability to foster confident humility and unlock hidden potential.

Embracing Differences and Finding Self-Acceptance

Skyler reflects on her journey of self-discovery through the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. Initially, she struggled with her differences, feeling frustrated and misunderstood by others, including her coaches. However, the assessment helped her gain permission to accept her strengths and embrace her unique qualities. This newfound self-acceptance enabled her to view her strengths positively, recognizing them as valuable assets rather than negative attributes.

Strengths and Their Impact on Relationships

Skyler considers herself a good listener, preferring to listen rather than talk. The podcast she participates in has pushed her out of her comfort zone, leading her to gravitate towards people who feel safe to share vulnerable information. She cherishes the diversity in her friendships, acknowledging that her friends approach situations differently than she does, and she sees that as admirable. This acceptance of differences has strengthened her ability to understand and learn from others.

The Power of a Strengths-Based Approach

Skyler expresses her appreciation for the strengths-based approach, emphasizing the importance of focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. Embracing strengths helps individuals cultivate a positive mindset, enabling them to see their unique abilities as assets. However, she also highlights the need to recognize other personality traits, like introversion, which can complement one's strengths to provide a more complete profile of an individual.

Benefits and Limitations of Clifton StrengthsFinder

The conversation touches upon the benefits and limitations of the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment. While it empowers individuals to understand and leverage their strengths, Skyler notes that it may not fully encompass other personality traits. However, the true power lies in the pre and post-assessment conversations and context, where individuals can gain deeper insights into their strengths and how they manifest in different situations.

Leveraging Strengths in the Workplace

Skyler's strengths shine in her role as a facilitator during podcasts, where her patient and thoughtful approach keeps discussions grounded and engaging. This contrasts with her initial nervousness, demonstrating the transformative power of embracing one's strengths. Recognizing the best use of her time, Skyler capitalizes on her strengths to facilitate conversations effectively, presenting ideas in a compelling and eloquent manner.

Complementary Strengths in Teamwork

Skyler's teammates, Scott and Sarah, also share their observations about her strengths and how they synergize in their collaborative efforts. Scott appreciates Skyler's ability to allow others to express themselves freely before bringing in her concise and well-thought-out perspective. In contrast, Sarah admires Skyler's elegant and grounded approach, which keeps their discussions focused and impactful.


Embracing strengths is an empowering journey that fosters self-acceptance, confident humility, and transformative growth. The Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment serves as a powerful tool to uncover individuals' unique abilities and talents, enhancing their personal and professional lives. By recognizing and leveraging strengths, individuals like Skyler can excel in their careers, build meaningful relationships, and inspire others through their authentic and confident selves. The strength-based approach creates a harmonious balance between embracing strengths and recognizing areas for growth, leading to a fulfilling and purposeful life journey.

*Note: This article is a comprehensive discussion based on the transcript provided by the podcast participants. The insights and observations shared in this article are solely based on the content of the transcript and do not reference the original speakers.*

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