

Executive Coaching

Life as a startup executive moves fast. One minute, you’re working from your mom’s garage trying to make your dreams a reality and the next minute you’ve secured VC investment and find yourself adding dozens or even hundreds of employees and managers to the payroll. In the blink of an eye, it becomes clear that the skills that got you funded aren’t the same skills you need to lead your organization to IPO and beyond.

At Unity and Company, we’ve worked with startups from pre-revenue to post IPO and every stage in between. We’ll be your confidant and trusted advisor as you lead your organization to success.

Leadership Training

Successful startups hire fast and promote faster. In those crucial early years, you rely on your rockstars to help you build teams, functions and departments. But too many startups thrust their superstars into leadership positions without any training, and before long the consequences of that decision start to emerge - conflict, burnout, attrition, declining engagement and lost productivity.

Investing in leadership training early on can help to ensure that you meet the challenges of scaling your business without being sidelined by declining morale, high attrition and plummeting productivity. When you invest in your leaders, employees feel seen, valued and engaged - and your business will reap the benefits for years to come.

Customer Service Operations

Nearly all startup executives recognize that having good customer service can make the difference between success and failure. Negative customer sentiment can tank a product launch, kill referrals and ultimately cost a company millions of dollars in lost revenue. But setting up a customer support operation isn’t as straightforward as it seems. There are dozens of decisions to be made, each with their own respective tradeoffs and benefits.

We’ll help you develop a customer support strategy that is perfectly tailored to your company’s stage of growth and strategic objectives. Whether you’re just starting out and need recommendations on how to structure and equip your CS team or you already have a mature CS organization that you want to leverage as an insights and growth center to propel your organization to the next level, we’ve got you covered.


Customer Experience Training

There’s a difference between customer support and customer experience. Support organizations focus on speed, accuracy and efficiency while experience-oriented organizations focus on a holistic understanding of the customer’s needs with the goal of cultivating deep, long-lasting customer relationships.

While most would agree that a relational, experience-based approach is better than a more transactional support model, many startups fail to invest in the training and skill building required to achieve this elevated level of customer service.

At Unity & Company, we’ve built, trained and managed global customer experience teams with hundreds of agents. We’ve developed quality assurance and training programs from scratch that empower agents to deliver more effective customer experience interactions. The results speak for themselves - higher customer satisfaction, improved customer retention, fewer unresolved issues and higher employee engagement, just to name a few. Contact us to see what an investment in customer experience training can do for your organization.