What Bees Can Teach Us About Leadership with Katie Desiderio and Michael Frino, Authors of The Beekeeper

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The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth


Welcome to "Workplace Therapy," where we explore strategies for unlocking best-in-class business performance through a strategic understanding of human experiences. In this episode, we are joined by Katie Desiderio and Michael G. Frino, the authors of "The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth." In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the background of the book, the inspiration behind it, and its key concepts.

Background and Inspiration

"The Beekeeper" is the result of the collaboration between Katie Desiderio and Michael G. Frino, who initially met during their doctoral program in organizational learning and leadership. Their academic work focused on human performance at work, fostering ongoing learning, and developing leaders. However, in recent years, they observed the growing resonance of storytelling as a powerful tool.

During a dinner in Chicago, the authors discussed the idea of creating a book that combines their academic knowledge with storytelling. They wanted to explore how seemingly theoretical concepts could be translated into practical, actionable insights. As they brainstormed, they stumbled upon the metaphor of bees as pollinators, which led to the concept of "The Beekeeper."

The Beekeeper's Message

"The Beekeeper" is a leadership fable that incorporates lessons from the world of bees to inspire transformative growth in organizations. The book emphasizes that leadership is not solely about power or position; it is an opportunity for everyone to contribute and make a difference. The authors invite readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn how they can become effective "beekeepers" in their respective roles.

Exploring the World of Bees

To ensure authenticity in their storytelling, Desiderio and Frino immersed themselves in the world of beekeeping. They conducted research, interacted with beekeepers, and even wore beekeeper suits while examining hives. This hands-on approach allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics within a beehive and the role of each individual bee.

The Power of Metaphors

The authors masterfully interweave the metaphor of bees and their behaviors with leadership principles. Through this storytelling technique, they create a captivating narrative that resonates with readers. By drawing parallels between the collaborative nature of bees and effective leadership, Desiderio and Frino inspire readers to rethink their own approaches to leading and influencing others.

Catalyst Leadership and the Proximal Mindset

The themes introduced in “The Beekper” are in keeping with the concept of Catalyst Leadership, a framework introduced by Unity and Company that emphasizes the transformative impact leaders can have throughout an organization. Catalyst leaders focus on empowering others, removing obstacles, and fostering growth and development. They understand that leadership is not about hierarchy but about placing themselves at the center of others' growth journeys.

The book also introduces the concept of being proximal, which means being closest to the heart or center. Being proximal as a leader involves placing oneself at the center of individuals' growth, ensuring they have the support and resources they need to thrive. It requires a deep understanding of others' needs and treating them as they want to be treated.

Embracing Growth Mindset

Desiderio and Frino stress the importance of adopting a growth mindset as a leader. They encourage leaders to embrace a curious and humble approach, constantly seeking opportunities to learn and unlearn. By doing so, leaders create a culture that values growth, allowing individuals, teams, and organizations to reach their highest potential.


"The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth" is an inspiring leadership fable that draws upon the world of bees to explore effective leadership principles. Through the concepts of Catalyst Leadership and being proximal, the authors highlight the transformative impact leaders can have on individuals and organizations. By adopting a growth mindset and embracing the role of a "beekeeper," leaders can create an environment that encourages growth, collaboration, and success. So, step into the world of bees, and discover how you can become a catalyst for transformative growth in your organization.


The Power of Vulnerability and Organizational Trust


Welcome to \"Workplace Therapy,\" where we explore the significance of embracing vulnerability and building trust within organizations. In this episode, we dive into a thought-provoking discussion inspired by the book "The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth." We'll explore the unconventional approach taken by the protagonist, Catherine, as she stays engaged with work while on vacation. We'll examine the implications of this decision and the role of organizational factors in fostering a safe space for growth and vulnerability.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

The decision for Catherine to remain connected to work while on vacation challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding work-life balance. Typically, the expectation is to completely disconnect from work during time off, but the book presents an alternative perspective. Catherine's choice to engage with her team while away sparks an intriguing conversation about the interplay between leadership, trust, and personal boundaries.

The Platinum Rule: Understanding Individual Preferences

"The Beekeeper" emphasizes the importance of the Platinum rule: treating others as they want to be treated. This principle encourages leaders to recognize and honor diverse work styles and preferences. It invites leaders to engage in open communication to understand how individuals on their team prefer to work and be supported. By respecting these preferences, leaders create a foundation of trust and psychological safety within the organization.

Creating a Safe Environment for Growth

The book draws a parallel between a beehive and an organization, highlighting the role of a beekeeper in creating a safe and thriving hive. Similarly, organizational leaders need to create an environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and authenticity. This requires leaders to balance their own preferences with those of their team members, allowing individuals to bring their unique strengths and perspectives to the table.

Psychological Safety and Trust

One key factor in enabling vulnerability and growth is the presence of psychological safety within the organization. When employees feel safe to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of retribution or judgment, they are more likely to take risks and contribute to their fullest potential. Building trust and psychological safety requires leaders to actively listen, provide support, and create an inclusive culture where diverse voices are valued.

Managing Organizational Expectations

While it's crucial to respect individual preferences, there can be challenges in managing organizational expectations. Performance reviews and judgments based on work habits can sometimes contradict the notion of allowing flexibility and personal work styles. To overcome this, leaders must align their actions with their espoused values. They need to create a culture that supports work-life balance, growth, and open communication, ensuring that employees feel empowered to embrace their own unique work approaches.

Embracing Curiosity and Growth Mindset

Leadership success lies in cultivating a growth mindset and embracing curiosity. It is essential for leaders to acknowledge their own areas of growth and model a willingness to learn and adapt. By fostering a culture that encourages continuous learning and self-reflection, leaders inspire their teams to do the same.

Balancing Urgency and Boundaries

Navigating the balance between urgency and personal boundaries can be complex. While it's crucial to be available for urgent matters, leaders must also establish boundaries to avoid burnout and create a sustainable work environment. By open communication and coaching, leaders can guide their teams in understanding priorities and finding alternative solutions that empower individuals while maintaining productivity.

Cultivating a Culture of Trust and Growth

To create a thriving organization, leaders must prioritize trust and growth. They should foster an environment that values diverse perspectives, encourages open dialogue, and supports individuals in their professional development journeys. By aligning actions with words, leaders can build trust, promote vulnerability, and ultimately create a high-performing team.


"The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth" challenges traditional notions of work-life balance and highlights the importance of vulnerability and trust in organizational success. By recognizing and respecting individual preferences, fostering psychological safety, and embracing a growth mindset, leaders can cultivate an environment that empowers their teams to reach their full potential. As leaders become beekeepers of their organizations, they have the power to create a hive that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and transformative growth.


The Power of Vulnerability and Organizational Trust


Welcome to \"Workplace Therapy,\" where we explore the significance of embracing vulnerability and building trust within organizations. In this episode, we delve into the thought-provoking concepts inspired by the book "The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth." We discuss the unconventional approach taken by the protagonist, Catherine, who remains engaged with work while on vacation. This decision challenges conventional wisdom regarding work-life balance and raises important questions about leadership, trust, and personal boundaries. We explore the implications of this decision and the role of organizational factors in fostering a safe space for growth and vulnerability.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

In "The Beekeeper," Catherine's choice to stay connected to work during her vacation challenges the traditional notion of work-life balance. Instead of disconnecting completely, she chooses to engage with her team remotely. This alternative perspective invites us to reconsider the balance between work and personal life and the potential benefits of maintaining a connection to work during time off.

The Platinum Rule: Understanding Individual Preferences

"The Beekeeper" emphasizes the importance of the Platinum rule: treating others as they want to be treated. This principle highlights the significance of recognizing and honoring diverse work styles and preferences. It calls for open communication to understand how individuals on the team prefer to work and be supported. By respecting these preferences, leaders can create a foundation of trust and psychological safety within the organization.

Creating a Safe Environment for Growth

Drawing a parallel between a beehive and an organization, the book emphasizes the role of a beekeeper in creating a safe and thriving hive. Similarly, organizational leaders need to create an environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and authenticity. This requires leaders to balance their own preferences with those of their team members, allowing individuals to bring their unique strengths and perspectives to the table.

Psychological Safety and Trust

Psychological safety is a key factor in enabling vulnerability and growth within an organization. When employees feel safe to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of retribution or judgment, they are more likely to take risks and contribute to their fullest potential. Building trust and psychological safety requires leaders to actively listen, provide support, and create an inclusive culture where diverse voices are valued.

Managing Organizational Expectations

Respecting individual preferences can sometimes clash with managing organizational expectations, particularly when it comes to performance reviews and judgments based on work habits. To overcome this challenge, leaders must align their actions with their espoused values. They need to create a culture that supports work-life balance, growth, and open communication, ensuring that employees feel empowered to embrace their own unique work approaches.

Embracing Curiosity and a Growth Mindset

Leadership success lies in cultivating a growth mindset and embracing curiosity. It is essential for leaders to acknowledge their own areas of growth and model a willingness to learn and adapt. By fostering a culture that encourages continuous learning and self-reflection, leaders inspire their teams to do the same.

Balancing Urgency and Boundaries

Navigating the balance between urgency and personal boundaries is a complex task. While it's crucial to be available for urgent matters, leaders must also establish boundaries to avoid burnout and create a sustainable work environment. Through open communication and coaching, leaders can guide their teams in understanding priorities and finding alternative solutions that empower individuals while maintaining productivity.

Cultivating a Culture of Trust and Growth

To create a thriving organization, leaders must prioritize trust and growth. They should foster an environment that values diverse perspectives, encourages open dialogue, and supports individuals in their professional development journeys. By aligning actions with words, leaders can build trust, promote vulnerability, and ultimately create a high-performing team.


"The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth" challenges conventional notions of work-life balance and highlights the importance of trust, vulnerability, and psychological safety in organizational success. Leaders who recognize and respect individual preferences, foster a growth mindset, and create a safe environment can cultivate a hive that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and transformative growth. By embracing the principles of the Platinum rule and prioritizing psychological safety, leaders can empower their teams to reach their full potential. As beekeepers of their organizations, leaders have the power to shape a workplace culture that values authenticity, trust, and growth.

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