How Performance Reviews Kill Performance and What to Do About It with Lauren Koester (Head of People @ Occupier) and Josh Merrill (CEO @ Confirm)

Episode Summary

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Maximizing Performance and Engagement: Rethinking Traditional Performance Reviews and Career Development


Performance reviews and career development are critical aspects of employee engagement and organizational success. However, traditional approaches often fall short, leading to dissatisfaction and limited growth opportunities. In this article, we delve into the pitfalls of traditional performance reviews, explore alternative strategies, and emphasize the importance of mental health and transparent career development conversations. By reimagining these processes, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement, fairness, and employee well-being.

Part 1: The Ineffectiveness of Traditional Performance Reviews

Traditional performance reviews often fail to align with the modern work environment, hindering their effectiveness. Josh Merrill highlights the mismatch between work and evaluation, where outdated approaches rely on manager reviews despite the shift towards interconnectedness and collaboration. Lauren Koester emphasizes manager bias and the lack of ongoing feedback as significant shortcomings. These pitfalls create anxiety, favoritism, and limited growth opportunities for employees.

Part 2: Enhancing Performance Reviews for Improved Outcomes

Recognizing the flaws of traditional performance reviews is crucial, but organizations must actively seek alternative approaches to maximize employee potential. Lauren Koester highlights the importance of comprehensive feedback beyond just the manager's perspective. Implementing 360-degree feedback, where employees are reviewed by their peers, eliminates bias and fosters transparency. Josh Merrill emphasizes the need for ongoing feedback and regular check-ins to provide timely guidance and support. Shifting from a singular annual event to an ongoing process aligns performance management with the modern work environment.

Part 3: Combatting Bias and Unlocking Potential in Performance Reviews

Overcoming bias is paramount in creating fair and inclusive performance reviews. Transparent assessment criteria and comprehensive feedback from multiple sources minimize subjective bias. Regular one-on-one meetings and ongoing feedback conversations foster growth and goal alignment. Leveraging organizational network analysis helps identify individuals making significant contributions and promotes merit-based recognition. Redefining roles based on personal attributes and cultural fit allows organizations to tap into diverse skill sets and experiences, maximizing talent utilization.

Part 4: Creating a Fair and Efficient Performance Review Process

Efficiency, learning, and alignment are core ingredients for a successful performance review process. Tailoring the process to the nature of work and organizational size ensures effectiveness. Leveraging available tools and technologies streamlines reviews. Clear compensation philosophies, career ladders, and ongoing dialogue create transparency and empower employees. Redeployment opportunities maximize talent utilization, while trust and accountability strengthen the connection between words and actions.

Part 5: Fostering Transparent Career Development Conversations

Transparent career development conversations are crucial for employee growth, job satisfaction, and organizational success. Proactive leadership initiates discussions, enabling continuous assessment and goal setting. Compensation philosophies and career paths provide clarity and empower employees. Bridging the information gap ensures employees understand their options for growth and advancement. Trust and accountability play a vital role in delivering on promises, recognizing contributions, and promoting fairness.

Part 6: Nurturing Transparent Career Development for Growth and Engagement

Integrating career development into everyday employee experiences enhances engagement and motivation. Transparent platforms for performance reviews eliminate separate tools and enhance user experience. Ongoing recognition and communication foster a positive feedback culture. Leveraging organizational network analysis identifies hidden contributors and encourages merit-based recognition. Timely feedback, Ona tools, and interventions drive growth and improvement.

Part 7: Fostering Growth and Engagement through Mental Health and Career Development

Prioritizing mental health and career development is essential in today's demanding work environment. Fair promotion practices build trust and motivation. Investing in mental health through self-care and support initiatives ensures employee well-being. Leaders play a crucial role in promoting these aspects, fostering open communication, and leading by example. Prioritizing mental health and career development leads to improved employee engagement, motivation, and overall organizational success. Transparent career paths, fair promotion practices, and ongoing dialogue create a supportive environment where employees feel valued and empowered to reach their full potential.

Part 8: Maximizing Potential through Transparent Career Development

Transparent career development processes are pivotal in fostering growth and engagement. Establishing fair promotion practices and transparent criteria builds trust and motivation. Investing in ongoing career development conversations enables employees to navigate their career paths effectively. Leaders play a crucial role in advocating for fair practices, prioritizing employee well-being, and demonstrating empathy and understanding. By bridging the information gap and providing clarity on growth opportunities, organizations empower their employees to excel.

Part 9: The Ripple Effect of Fair Promotion Practices

Fair promotion practices have a ripple effect on employee satisfaction and organizational success. Transparent and merit-based promotions build trust, motivation, and engagement. Recognizing the power of transparency, organizations make informed decisions based on shared data, fostering fairness and alignment. By promoting transparency in career development, organizations create opportunities for growth and development while maximizing employee potential.


In conclusion, prioritizing transparent performance reviews, fair promotion practices, mental health support, and career development conversations is paramount for organizations aiming to maximize employee potential, engagement, and overall success. By acknowledging the pitfalls of traditional approaches and embracing alternative strategies, organizations can create a culture of continuous improvement, fairness, and employee well-being. Through ongoing dialogue, transparent assessment criteria, ongoing feedback, and supportive leadership, companies can foster a thriving work environment where individuals feel valued, empowered, and motivated to achieve their professional goals.

*Note: This article is a merged compilation based on the transcripts of podcast episodes featuring Josh from Confirm and Lauren from Occupier, highlighting the importance of mental health and career development in the workplace.*place. The article emphasizes the ineffectiveness of traditional performance reviews and the need for alternative strategies. It delves into the pitfalls of traditional performance reviews, such as the mismatch between work and evaluation, manager bias, and the lack of ongoing feedback. The experts, Lauren and Josh, share insights on transforming performance reviews for enhanced performance and engagement. They discuss the importance of comprehensive feedback, ongoing feedback and development conversations, and leveraging technology solutions.

The article also explores the challenges surrounding career development conversations and the significance of transparency in the process. It highlights the importance of fair promotion practices, establishing clear compensation philosophies and career paths, and fostering ongoing dialogue. The role of leaders in promoting mental health and career development is emphasized, including advocating for fair practices, leading by example, and creating a supportive environment.

Furthermore, the article addresses the impact of mental health and career development on organizations. It discusses how prioritizing these aspects contributes to employee engagement, retention, and overall organizational success. By investing in mental health and career development, organizations foster a positive work environment, enhance trust, and empower employees to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the need for organizations to prioritize mental health and career development. By embracing alternative strategies to traditional performance reviews, promoting transparency in career development, and prioritizing employee well-being, organizations can create a thriving work environment that maximizes employee potential, engagement, and overall success.