How Storytelling Helps Us Process Workplace Trauma and Personal Grief with Professional Storyteller Blake Kasemeier

Episode Summary

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00:00 - 10:35


In this installment of Workplace Therapy, we have the pleasure of introducing Blake Kasemeier, a professional storyteller and a masterful copywriter. Blake's career journey is a fascinating one, marked by diverse experiences and a relentless pursuit of his passions. From his time as a rockstar to his current role as a freelance copywriter and creative director, Blake's story is an inspiration to those who believe in following their dreams and embracing new opportunities.

From Rockstar to Copywriter

Blake's career path took an unconventional turn after high school. Recognizing that traditional education wasn't the right fit for him, he decided to pursue his dream of becoming a rockstar. For five years, he was part of an independent hardcore band, touring across America and leaving a mark on various venues. However, when the band's journey came to an end, Blake realized it was time for a new chapter.

Embracing Education and Discovering Passions

With a newfound perspective on education, Blake enrolled in a community college, driven by his love for fitness and writing. He approached his college experience with a unique mindset, meticulously calculating the cost and value of each class he attended. This approach instilled a sense of responsibility and motivation, ensuring that he made the most of his education.

Leveraging a Niche and Landing a Job

As fate would have it, Blake's thesis on the emerging fitness trend, CrossFit, coincided with the movement gaining widespread popularity. This fortuitous timing allowed him to leverage his thesis and secure a copywriting position at TRX, a fitness company. His blend of writing skills and passion for fitness made him a valuable asset to the company.

From In-House to Entrepreneurship

Blake's career took another turn when he joined Tile, where he worked alongside his co-host, Scott. While the in-house experience had its benefits, Blake ultimately decided to embark on his own entrepreneurial journey. He started an agency focused on corporate social responsibility, aiming to highlight brands that made a positive impact on the world. Although the venture didn't go exactly as planned, it provided valuable lessons and experiences.

Thriving as a Freelancer

Currently, Blake is a freelance copywriter and creative director, working with various agencies and small brands. This freedom allows him to work on his own terms and make meaningful contributions to multiple projects. His ability to balance creativity and business acumen sets him apart, making him a sought-after professional in his field.

The Intersection of Style and Creativity

Blake's unique style and innate sense of fashion have not gone unnoticed. He shares his fashion insights and educates others through his TikTok channel, offering fit checks and showcasing his timeless approach to style. His fashion choices also serve as a platform to promote charitable causes, such as Guardian, a non-profit organization providing support to underprivileged children.

The Joys and Challenges of Fatherhood

In addition to his professional endeavors, Blake recently welcomed his second child into the world. Fatherhood holds a special place in Blake's heart, and he cherishes the opportunity to nurture and guide his children. Balancing the demands of entrepreneurship, providing for his family, and being a present father can be challenging, but Blake's dedication and love for his family motivate him to excel in all aspects of his life.


Blake Kasemeier's career journey is a testament to the power of following one's passions, embracing new opportunities, and finding harmony between creativity and business. From his humble beginnings as a rockstar to his current success as a freelance copywriter, Blake's story serves as an inspiration to those seeking fulfillment in their professional and personal lives. With his unique storytelling abilities and unwavering dedication, Blake continues to captivate audiences and make a positive impact on the world through his work.

10:36 - 21:02

Prioritizing Parenthood: Lessons on Time Management and Empathy in the Workplace


In this episode of Workplace Therapy, the speakers delve into the profound impact of parenthood on their lives and careers. They discuss the challenges, the lessons learned, and the newfound perspective that comes with being a parent. By sharing their experiences, they highlight the importance of empathy, understanding, and effective time management in both personal and professional realms.

Lowering Expectations: A Gem of Wisdom

  • Prior to becoming a father, one of the speakers sought advice from a writer friend, who simply said, "Lower your expectations."

  • Although seemingly simple, this advice resonated and became a valuable guiding principle in their parenting journey.

Parenthood as an Independent Touring Band

  • Parenthood is likened to being a member of an independent touring band.

  • Time becomes a fluid concept, and daily routines revolve around meeting the immediate needs of the child.

  • Decision-making becomes focused and simplified, revolving around the essential tasks of sleep, feeding, bathroom needs, and burping.

Parenthood as a Time Management Tool

  • Children serve as powerful time management tools, forcing parents to prioritize and make efficient use of their time.

  • By honing their prioritization skills, parents learn to manage multiple roles and responsibilities effectively.

  • Lowering expectations and focusing on meeting the immediate needs of the child helps parents navigate their daily routines.

Parenthood and Empathy in the Workplace

  • Becoming a parent provides a deeper understanding and empathy towards colleagues who are also parents.

  • Parents recognize the sacrifices and juggling acts that their coworkers go through.

  • It fosters empathy, perspective, and appreciation for the challenges others face outside of work.

Quiet Quitting: Balancing Personal Life and Work

  • "Quiet quitting" refers to individuals prioritizing their personal lives and questioning the compensation they receive for their sacrifices.

  • While the speakers have not experienced quiet quitting themselves, they acknowledge its validity and understand the importance of work-life balance.

  • Deep connections with coworkers and finding meaning at work can mitigate the desire to quiet quit.

Freelancing and Boundaries

  • As a freelancer, one speaker finds a balance between doing exceptional work and adhering to the agreed-upon scope of the job.

  • Freelancing entails a clear exchange of goods and services for compensation, but exceptional work is still prioritized.

  • The cautionary perspective arises from witnessing individuals who emotionally invest in a job, only to lose it and a part of themselves in the process.


Parenthood brings forth invaluable lessons in time management, empathy, and understanding. The speakers emphasize the importance of prioritizing and lowering expectations to navigate the complexities of being a parent. Furthermore, they encourage workplaces to foster environments that value work-life balance and promote open conversations about personal lives. Parenthood serves as a catalyst for personal growth, offering a fresh perspective on the challenges faced by colleagues. By embracing these lessons, individuals can find fulfillment both as parents and professionals, creating a harmonious balance between work and personal life.

21:05 - 31:36

Navigating the Reality of Quiet Quitting and Layoffs: An Empathy-Centered Perspective


In this episode of the podcast, the speakers discuss the concept of quiet quitting and the harsh reality of layoffs in the corporate world. They share their thoughts on the delicate balance between meeting job expectations and going above and beyond, while also highlighting the lack of empathy and understanding exhibited by some organizations.

The Experience of Quiet Quitting

  • Quiet quitting refers to employees who fulfill the basic requirements of their job without going beyond what is expected.

  • It can be a reasonable approach for individuals facing personal challenges or seeking work-life balance.

  • Companies should acknowledge and respect employees who choose this path instead of stigmatizing their decision.

The Unfortunate Reality of Layoffs

  • Layoffs often occur when companies face financial difficulties or need to realign their workforce.

  • Organizations may prioritize financial goals over the principles and benefits they once championed.

  • Employees who dedicate themselves to their work can find themselves laid off despite their commitment and contributions.

The Impact of Layoffs on Employees

  • Layoffs can leave employees feeling disconnected, undervalued, and lacking a sense of purpose.

  • Emotional investments made by employees may not always be reciprocated by organizations.

  • Individuals who pour their energy into their work may face uncertainty and disappointment when layoffs occur.

Empathy and Understanding in the Workplace

  • Employers should empathize with the personal circumstances and challenges employees face outside of work.

  • Recognizing the human capital as humans and valuing their well-being can foster a positive work environment.

  • Open conversations and understanding can lead to increased empathy among colleagues.

The Personal Story of Layoffs

  • One of the speakers shares their personal experience of being laid off from a company they had invested significant time and effort in.

  • Despite the emotional impact, they understand the financial realities and empathize with the manager who had to make difficult decisions.

  • The speaker highlights the importance of seeing beyond individual experiences and understanding the broader context.

Redefining Success and Priorities

  • Individuals should assess their goals and priorities based on their life circumstances and phase.

  • It is essential to strike a balance between personal obligations and professional growth.

  • Recognizing the need for work-life balance and adjusting levels of investment accordingly is crucial.


The podcast conversation sheds light on the complexity of quiet quitting and layoffs in the workplace. It emphasizes the need for organizations to show empathy and understanding toward employees facing personal challenges or seeking balance. While quiet quitting can be a valid choice, it is important to recognize the emotional investments made by dedicated employees and the impact of layoffs on their lives. By fostering empathy and open conversations, workplaces can create an environment that values the well-being of their employees and encourages a healthy work-life balance.

31:37 - 42:28

Navigating Layoffs: Balancing Transactional Realities and Emotional Impact


In this podcast episode, the speakers discuss the challenges and emotional impact of layoffs. They delve into personal experiences and explore the balance between the transactional nature of employment and the need for empathy and support during difficult times.

The Impact of Layoffs on Personal Circumstances

  • Layoffs can occur during challenging periods in employees' lives, making it difficult for them to handle the emotional toll of job loss.

  • Personal circumstances, such as the loss of a loved one, can influence an individual's ability to navigate layoffs effectively.

  • The speakers share their perspectives on how layoffs can disrupt personal healing and hinder the grieving process.

The Dilemma of Emotional Investment

  • Employees who invest emotionally in their work may face challenges when experiencing layoffs.

  • Balancing emotional investment with the understanding that employment is often a transactional relationship can be complex.

  • While employees may want to demonstrate their commitment to their work, they also need space and time to process personal hardships.

Psychological Safety and Empathy in the Workplace

  • The speakers explore the concept of psychological safety and the importance of organizations providing supportive environments for employees.

  • Employees should feel comfortable utilizing benefits and taking time to grieve or address personal challenges without fear of negative consequences.

  • Empathy from leaders and colleagues can greatly impact employees' ability to heal and recover during difficult times.

Managing the Logistics of Layoffs

  • Conducting a mass layoff requires delicate planning and execution.

  • Balancing the needs of the organization, maintaining confidentiality, and delivering difficult news to employees is challenging.

  • Despite the logistical complexities, the speakers discuss the importance of considering the emotional impact on affected individuals.

Optimizing the Layoff Experience

  • The speakers explore potential ways to optimize the layoff experience for affected employees.

  • Open communication, empathy, and providing additional support, such as offering a coffee meeting, can make the process more compassionate.

  • However, the speakers acknowledge the practical limitations and difficulties inherent in conducting layoffs.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

  • The speakers reflect on their experiences and the need for organizations to foster empathy and understanding during layoffs.

  • While challenging circumstances may limit the ability to provide ideal support, efforts to connect affected employees with opportunities and resources can be valuable.

  • Ultimately, navigating layoffs requires a balance between the realities of the business and the emotional well-being of individuals.


The podcast conversation sheds light on the complexities of layoffs and the emotional impact on individuals. It emphasizes the importance of psychological safety, empathy, and understanding in the workplace. While optimizing the layoff experience may be challenging, organizations can strive to provide additional support and create an environment that values the well-being of their employees. By acknowledging the transactional nature of employment while fostering compassion, organizations can navigate layoffs with greater sensitivity and care.

42:31 - 52:54

Embracing Emotional Connections in the Workplace: Navigating Layoffs and Storytelling


In this insightful conversation, the speakers delve into the emotional complexities surrounding layoffs and the power of storytelling. They discuss the importance of empathy, personal resilience, and the impact of genuine connections in the workplace.

The Ballet of Mass Layoffs

  • Mass layoffs are intricate dances of emotions and logistics, affecting both those who are let go and those who remain.

  • Survivors of layoffs often experience a mix of emotions, including guilt, grief, and resilience.

  • The speakers acknowledge the challenging position of managers responsible for delivering the news while also dealing with their own personal struggles.

The Empathy Factor

  • Empathy plays a crucial role in managing layoffs effectively.

  • Organizations need to consider the unique circumstances of individuals and demonstrate compassion during the process.

  • The speakers reflect on the importance of being mindful of what people might be going through beyond the news of their job loss.

The Transformative Power of Storytelling

  • Storytelling serves as a powerful tool for individuals to navigate and process challenging experiences.

  • The speakers highlight the value of personal narratives in connecting with others and providing support.

  • Sharing stories can bring light to wounds and help others find solace and understanding.

Personal Growth and Turning Tragedy into Opportunity

  • The speakers acknowledge the resilience and personal growth that can arise from difficult experiences.

  • They discuss how layoffs can create opportunities for individuals to discover their strengths, start new ventures, and find their voices.

  • One speaker's podcast and TikTok content on grieving their mother exemplify the transformative power of storytelling.

The Authenticity of Storytelling

  • Authenticity is paramount when sharing stories and connecting with others.

  • Being genuine and true to oneself creates a meaningful connection with the audience.

  • The speakers emphasize the importance of storytelling that is driven by personal experiences and emotions rather than superficial aims.

Supportive Connections in the Workplace

  • The speakers celebrate the supportive role that colleagues can play in each other's lives.

  • Emotional connections formed at work can provide comfort, inspiration, and encouragement.

  • They highlight the significance of finding like-minded individuals who can share similar journeys and offer support along the way.

Mutual Influence and Growth

  • The speakers express gratitude for the mutual influence and support they have received from each other.

  • Emotional connections at work can positively impact personal and professional growth.

  • They emphasize that nurturing these connections, even in a changing work environment, can lead to a more fulfilling and enriched life.


The podcast conversation explores the emotional complexities of layoffs and the transformative power of storytelling. It highlights the importance of empathy in managing difficult situations and the value of authentic connections in the workplace. Through personal narratives and genuine storytelling, individuals can find solace, support, and personal growth. By embracing emotional connections and sharing their unique experiences, people can create a more compassionate and understanding work environment.

52:55 - 1:02:50

Nurturing Emotional Connections and Authentic Storytelling in the Digital Age


In this thought-provoking conversation, the speakers discuss the significance of emotional connections in fostering personal and professional growth. They explore the difference between influencers and online storytellers, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in content creation. The conversation sheds light on the power of genuine connections, vulnerability, and the true essence of building a brand.

The Value of Emotional Connections

  • Personal relationships, even within the workplace, can profoundly impact one's life.

  • Emotional connections with others can lead to transformative experiences and opportunities.

  • Building connections with individuals like best friends and colleagues can enrich one's journey.

The Intersection of Personal and Professional Lives

  • Spending a significant amount of time in a physical workspace necessitates finding like-minded individuals and forming meaningful connections.

  • Emotional investments in organizations and interpersonal connections differ but are both essential.

  • Balancing personal connections and organizational commitments is crucial for a fulfilling life.

Vulnerability and the Power of Storytelling

  • Storytelling serves as a conduit for sharing personal experiences and fostering empathy.

  • Authentic storytelling requires vulnerability, introspection, and a willingness to be open to criticism.

  • Genuine storytelling creates a sense of service and generosity, connecting with audiences on a deeper level.

The Distinction: Influencer vs. Storyteller

  • Influencers primarily aim to influence and change behaviors or promote products.

  • Storytellers, on the other hand, share their narratives without an agenda or expectation.

  • Authentic storytellers prioritize connecting with others and offering empathy, rather than merely seeking to influence.

The Essence of Authenticity

  • Authenticity is integral to maintaining one's identity and connection with audiences.

  • While monetization is acceptable, it should not compromise the essence of storytelling.

  • Content creators should strive to sustain their work without compromising their genuine approach.

The Pitfalls of Replication

  • Copying or imitating someone's content can lead to a lack of authenticity and originality.

  • Algorithms and metrics can drive content creation, but they cannot replace true storytelling.

  • Building a personal brand should be rooted in universal human truths, rather than marketing strategies.

The Power of Individuality

  • Each content creator possesses a unique voice and perspective.

  • Attempts to replicate another person's work ultimately fall short of capturing the essence of their storytelling.

  • Authenticity and individuality are key to engaging and resonating with audiences.


The conversation highlights the value of emotional connections, authenticity, and vulnerability in content creation and personal growth. It emphasizes the importance of genuine storytelling and the impact it can have on audiences. By embracing emotional connections, being true to oneself, and fostering authentic narratives, content creators can create a lasting and meaningful impact on those they reach.

1:02:52 - 1:13:33

Embracing Authenticity and Personal Connections: A Conversation with Blake Kasemeier


In this engaging conversation, Blake Kasemeier shares insights on the power of authenticity, emotional connections, and storytelling. From discussing personal experiences to offering valuable advice, Blake's expertise shines through as he delves into various topics, including leadership, mental health, and the enduring impact of storytelling.

Recognizing Authentic Leaders

  • Blake admires leaders who are diplomatic and capable of elevating others while humanizing the workplace.

  • Genuine leaders possess the ability to bring people together and create a sense of camaraderie.

The Importance of Emotional Connections

  • Building emotional connections is instrumental in personal and professional growth.

  • Authentic relationships can lead to transformative experiences and opportunities.

Unveiling the True Essence of Storytelling

  • Blake emphasizes the significance of vulnerability and introspection in storytelling.

  • Authentic storytellers prioritize empathy and sharing personal experiences without an agenda.

  • True storytelling requires a willingness to open oneself up to criticism.

The Distinction: Influencers vs. Storytellers

  • Influencers primarily aim to influence behaviors or promote products, often driven by marketing strategies.

  • Storytellers, like Blake, focus on sharing genuine narratives without attempting to influence or manipulate.

  • Authentic storytellers prioritize connecting with audiences and offering valuable insights.

Nurturing Mental Health

  • Investing in mental health is essential for personal well-being.

  • Seeking therapy or counseling can provide valuable opportunities for self-growth.

  • Paying someone to work on oneself allows for a deeper exploration of emotions and experiences.

Embracing Individuality and Authenticity

  • Each person has a unique voice and perspective that should be celebrated.

  • Replicating another person's content or style fails to capture the essence of genuine storytelling.

  • Authenticity and individuality are key to engaging and resonating with audiences.

The Enduring Power of Stories

  • Stories have a lasting impact and serve as a medium for connecting with others.

  • Unlike deliverables in the workplace, stories endure and leave a lasting impression.

Connect with Blake Kasemeier

  • Blake can be found on various social media platforms, including TikTok and Instagram.

  • To reach out or collaborate, connect with Blake at or visit his Substack.

Blake's Podcast: Good Grief

  • Blake hosts a podcast called "Good Grief" where he shares his personal journey of processing grief.

  • The podcast offers valuable insights and support for those experiencing similar challenges.

  • Listeners can find "Good Grief" on popular podcast platforms by searching for Blake Kasemeier or the podcast's title.


Blake Kasemeier's expertise in storytelling and authenticity shines through in this enlightening conversation. From emphasizing the power of emotional connections to encouraging individuality and vulnerability, Blake's insights offer valuable lessons for personal and professional growth. Embracing authenticity and nurturing meaningful connections can have a profound impact on our lives and the stories we share with the world.

Scott ArrietaComment