Who's Driving the Bus at Twitter? What Can We Learn From Elon Musk?

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Who’s Driving the Bus at Twitter?: Lessons We Can Learn From Elon Musk’s Many Leadership Mistakes


In the modern workplace, where we invest a significant portion of our lives, it's not uncommon for the workplace itself to become a source of trauma. Healing together as a workforce is crucial for fostering a healthy work environment. In a recent incident involving Elon Musk and Twitter, we witnessed the consequences of miscommunication and poor leadership. This article delves into the incident, highlighting the implications and offering insights into the larger issues it represents.

The Twitter Lockout

Herald Thorleifsson, also known as Hallie, experienced an alarming situation when he was locked out of his computer for nine days without any communication from Twitter, his employer. Seeking answers, Hallie turned to social media and tweeted Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, to inquire about his job security. This incident triggered a series of interactions that shed light on the problematic aspects of the workplace.

A Troubling Exchange

Elon Musk's response to Hallie's tweet was far from satisfactory. Instead of providing reassurance or addressing the issue directly, Musk questioned Hallie's role at Twitter. The subsequent exchange took a derogatory turn, with Musk mocking Hallie's work ethic, disability, and accommodations. Musk's behavior raised serious ethical concerns and violated numerous guidelines designed to protect employees from such mistreatment.

The Larger Issue at Hand

The incident involving Elon Musk and Hallie highlights a systemic problem within large companies, particularly in the tech industry. Leaders who lack an understanding of employment law, accommodations, and performance management can create a toxic work environment. Their financial resources and status often lead to a sense of entitlement, where they believe they are exempt from ethical and legal obligations.

Ethical Responsibility in Leadership

Leadership positions come with great responsibility, not just towards the company's success but also towards the well-being of employees. Ethical decision-making, informed by knowledge of legal boundaries, protects both the employees and the organization itself. When leaders like Elon Musk disregard the importance of shared communication and fail to consult with relevant stakeholders or HR, incidents like the one involving Hallie and Musk become all too common.

The Impact of Positional Authority and Wealth

Positional authority and wealth can amplify pre-existing personality traits. In the case of Elon Musk, his behavior reflects arrogance, egotism, and a lack of empathy. The accumulation of power and wealth often reinforces these traits, making it easier for individuals to distance themselves from the concerns and needs of others. However, leaders who possess empathy and compassion can leverage their authority and resources to positively impact humanity.

A Business Strategy Perspective

Examining Elon Musk's actions from a business strategy standpoint reveals serious flaws. While his intention may have been to rehabilitate Twitter and optimize its performance, the lack of effective communication during layoffs resulted in a significant breakdown. Ambiguity about job security, unanswered emails to HR, and the need for Hallie to resort to tweeting at Musk demonstrated a clear lack of competence and leadership. Such incidents only serve to undermine the company's reputation and raise doubts about its future success.


The incident involving Elon Musk and Hallie at Twitter serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of miscommunication and poor leadership within the workplace. The need for ethical decision-making, adherence to employment laws, and a comprehensive understanding of accommodations and protected classes cannot be understated. It is crucial for leaders to recognize the impact of their actions and use their authority responsibly to foster a healthy and inclusive work environment. By learning from such incidents, we can strive towards workplaces that prioritize communication, empathy, and respect for all employees.


The Detrimental Effects of Workplace Misconduct: Lessons from the Elon Musk and Twitter Incident


Workplace misconduct can have far-reaching consequences, impacting individuals' lives and tarnishing the reputation of companies involved. In a recent incident involving Elon Musk and Twitter, we witnessed the aftermath of poor leadership and unethical behavior. This article explores the incident in detail, shedding light on the broader implications and emphasizing the importance of fostering a safe and inclusive work environment.

The Troubling State of Affairs at Twitter

The incident began with an employee, Hallie, being locked out of their computer for an extended period without any communication from Twitter. Desperate for answers, Hallie resorted to tweeting Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, to determine their employment status. What followed was a concerning exchange that exposed the flaws within the company's leadership.

Red Flags for Shareholders

Elon Musk's delayed and dismissive response to Hallie's inquiry raises significant concerns, not just for Twitter but for any company associated with Musk. As an investor, the lack of accountability and transparency demonstrated in this incident would be considered red flags. Shareholders must question the competence and leadership abilities of those responsible for the company's direction.

The Twitter-Circuit City Parallel

The incident at Twitter parallels the demise of Circuit City, an electronics retailer that went bankrupt years ago. In a TikTok video, a former employee described how, during Circuit City's decline, individuals took advantage of the lack of accountability within the company's HR system by granting themselves elevated titles. The video humorously likened Twitter's current state to the chaos that ensued at Circuit City.

Psychological Safety and Fear in the Workplace

The lack of communication and accountability exhibited by Twitter's leadership creates an environment of fear and uncertainty among employees. When individuals wake up unsure of their employment status or receive no response from HR, it instills a deep sense of insecurity. Such conditions erode employees' trust and negatively impact their psychological safety at work.

Elon Musk's Defensiveness and Unethical Tactics

Elon Musk's inappropriate remarks about Hallie's disability reflect defensiveness and a willingness to employ unethical tactics to deflect criticism. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, Musk resorted to ad hominem attacks, discrediting Hallie's value and shifting the narrative away from the company's shortcomings. Such behavior reveals a lack of accountability and empathy on the part of a leader.

Long-Term Trauma and Secondary Effects

The incident at Twitter highlights the lasting impact of workplace misconduct. While the incident may fade from public discussion over time, its effects on individuals involved can be long-lasting. Secondary trauma can occur as others relate to the experience and fear similar treatment. Addressing and condemning such behavior is crucial to ensure that organizations and society as a whole reject such mistreatment.

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Work Environment

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing the well-being of employees and fostering a safe and inclusive work environment. Key steps to achieve this include:

- Establishing clear lines of communication and accountability within the organization.

- Ensuring leaders possess a comprehensive understanding of employment laws, accommodations, and performance management.

- Encouraging empathy and compassion in leadership positions, regardless of wealth or status.

- Promoting a culture of psychological safety, where employees feel secure in their jobs and can express concerns without fear of retribution.

- Educating employees and leaders about the impact of their words and actions on others, particularly regarding disability and protected classes.


The incident involving Elon Musk and Twitter is a stark reminder of the consequences of workplace misconduct and poor leadership. It underlines the need for organizations to prioritize the well-being of their employees and create an environment where open communication, empathy, and respect are valued. By learning from such incidents,organizations can strive towards workplaces that prioritize communication, empathy, and respect for all employees. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical decision-making, adherence to employment laws, and understanding the impact of one's words and actions. Creating a safe and inclusive work environment is not only essential for the well-being of employees but also for the overall success and reputation of the company. By addressing workplace misconduct and fostering a culture of accountability and empathy, organizations can ensure that incidents like the one involving Elon Musk and Twitter become a thing of the past. It is crucial to learn from these events and commit to building workplaces that promote psychological safety and treat all individuals with dignity and respect.


The Power of Apology and Thoughtful Response: Lessons for Elon Musk


The way leaders handle workplace incidents can have a lasting impact on employees and shape the company culture. In the case of Elon Musk's response to a tweet from an employee at Twitter, his defensive and derogatory behavior not only perpetuated a toxic work environment but also set a concerning precedent for other leaders. This article explores the alternative approaches that could have been taken and highlights the power of apology and thoughtful response in resolving workplace issues.

The Ramifications of Musk's Behavior

Elon Musk's behavior in this incident not only normalized and condoned toxic leadership but also set a troubling example for other leaders, both within and outside of Twitter. By engaging in such behavior, Musk demonstrated that leaders can shame and dismiss employees who disagree with them, thereby establishing fear, disengagement, and a lack of productivity within the organization.

The Importance of Proactive Communication

To avoid such incidents, it is crucial for leaders to prioritize effective communication and accountability within their organizations. The following steps can help foster a positive work environment:

- Implement proactive communication strategies to ensure employees are well-informed about changes, including layoffs or other significant events.

- Respond promptly and empathetically to employee concerns or inquiries, showing a genuine desire to address issues and find resolutions.

- Foster a culture where blame is replaced with curiosity, encouraging leaders to approach situations with an open mind and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

The Power of an Apology

Apologizing sincerely and promptly is a vital step in service recovery and rebuilding trust. In Elon Musk's case, an apology could have played a significant role in resolving the situation and mitigating the negative impact. By acknowledging the error and expressing genuine remorse, leaders can communicate that the incident does not reflect the organization's values and that they are committed to making it right.

Curiosity and a Desire for Resolution

Leaders should approach workplace issues with curiosity and a genuine desire for resolution. Instead of becoming defensive or dismissive, engaging in an open conversation to understand the situation and explore possible solutions can lead to positive outcomes. By demonstrating responsiveness and a commitment to improving, leaders can inspire trust and motivate employees to contribute their best.

The Character Arc of a Leader

Leadership is not a fixed state but an ongoing journey of growth and development. Elon Musk could have chosen a different path by responding thoughtfully, acknowledging the mistake, and committing to do better in the future. Such an approach would have provided a glimmer of hope and signaled a willingness to learn and evolve as a leader.

Creating a Culture of Accountability and Empathy

To prevent future incidents, organizations must prioritize a culture of accountability and empathy. Key steps include:

- Setting clear expectations for leaders to uphold ethical conduct and treat employees with respect.

- Providing leadership development programs that focus on empathy, emotional intelligence, and effective communication.

- Encouraging employees to speak up about concerns or issues without fear of retaliation.

- Establishing channels for feedback and constructive dialogue within the organization.


The incident involving Elon Musk's response to a tweet from an employee at Twitter highlights the importance of ethical leadership, effective communication, and a commitment to resolving workplace issues. Leaders have the power to shape the culture of their organizations and should strive to create an environment where accountability, empathy, and thoughtful responses are valued. By embracing these principles, leaders can foster a positive and inclusive work environment that promotes growth, productivity, and the well-being of employees.


The Power of Thoughtful Response: Lessons from Workplace Therapy


Effective communication and empathetic responses are essential in navigating workplace conflicts and maintaining a positive work environment. In this transcript, the hosts of Workplace Therapy discuss the importance of thoughtful responses and the power of apology in resolving workplace issues. This article delves into their insights, providing valuable lessons for leaders and organizations.

The Calming Effect of Water

One of the hosts shares an intriguing technique they used during heated discussions: offering a bottle of water. This simple act not only gives the person a moment to calm down but also physically prevents them from hyperventilating. By providing a brief pause and allowing individuals to hydrate, their emotional state can shift, leading to more constructive and level-headed conversations.

Understanding Emotional Responses

Acknowledging that emotions arise from somewhere is crucial in handling workplace conflicts. Rather than dismissing or becoming defensive, it is important to approach others' emotions with empathy and curiosity. Recognizing the validity of emotions while guiding the conversation towards resolution can lead to more productive outcomes.

The Power of Apology

Apologizing sincerely is a potent tool for service recovery and rebuilding trust. Despite the hesitation that often accompanies apologies due to legal concerns, genuine apologies have proven to reduce liability claims. By expressing remorse, taking responsibility, and actively seeking resolution, leaders can demonstrate their commitment to rectifying mistakes and restoring confidence.

Cultivating Accountability and Empathy

To prevent workplace incidents and foster a positive work environment, organizations should prioritize accountability and empathy. This can be achieved through clear expectations for leaders, leadership development programs focusing on emotional intelligence and effective communication, and creating channels for open feedback and constructive dialogue.

The Impact of Thoughtful Responses

Responding thoughtfully to workplace issues and conflicts can have far-reaching effects, both within an organization and on a broader scale. Thoughtful responses:

- Foster a culture of respect, trust, and accountability.

- Promote personal growth and development for leaders and employees.

- Enhance employee engagement, productivity, and overall well-being.

- Attract and retain top talent who seek positive work environments.

Embracing Humanity in the Workplace

Depersonalizing the workplace and focusing solely on tasks can have detrimental effects. Recognizing and valuing the humanity of individuals within the organization is essential for success. By treating employees and customers as human beings, organizations can create a positive and inclusive environment that drives satisfaction and loyalty.

Believing in the Ripple Effect

Embracing accountability, vulnerability, and empathy may not always yield immediate and predictable outcomes. However, the hosts emphasize the belief that these behaviors will have a profound and positive impact in the long run. The ripples of treating others with respect and kindness will ultimately return in immeasurable ways.


The transcript highlights the significance of thoughtful responses, apologies, and empathy in resolving workplace conflicts and nurturing a positive work environment. Leaders and organizations can learn from these insights by prioritizing effective communication, acknowledging emotions, and cultivating a culture of accountability and empathy. By embracing these principles, organizations can foster a workplace that values the humanity of its members and promotes growth, productivity, and well-being for all.

Scott ArrietaComment