[FREE VIDEO] Finding a Career You Love: 8 Hidden Traps That Sabotage Your Job Search

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Unity & Company regularly hosts executive forums, webinars and workshops to bring timely insights and strategies to help equip people for success in their lives and careers.

In this free workshop, our CEO, Scott Arrieta and Skylar Lewandowski, our Director of Special Programs, share their insights on common pitfalls that applicants make when searching for a job - and what to do instead. Scott and Skylar reveal their unique, holitic approach to job searching and discuss why so many qualified job applicants get overlooked. They provide strategies, tatics and mindset principles that are designed to give job seekers a clear advantage over other applicants.

If you’re looking for your next opportunity and are ready to stop compromising and find a career you love, you won’t want to miss this free video.

Scott Arrieta